Charlotte Veggie


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Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Well hello there everyone and happy spring! I know I am returning after a long hiatus. Thank you for continuing to visit the site and to those of you who regularly reached out to ask when the next post will be! I’m not gonna lie; the last couple of months have been a tough road [...]

Red & Green: Panko Crusted Asparagus Fries & Smoky Red Pepper Hummus

Red & Green: Panko Crusted Asparagus Fries & Smoky Red Pepper Hummus

All that shopping and wrapping and just being home more has me in mega snack mode. These two zesty recipes take less than thirty minutes to prepare together! Crispy coated asparagus fries and tangy, creamy buffalo-esque hummus hit the snacking sweet spot while avoiding the need to nap afterwards. I bought asparagus just to saute [...]

Wild Blackberry Lemon Zest Scones (& the Glycemic Index)

Wild Blackberry Lemon Zest Scones (& the Glycemic Index)

I am going to get a little scientific first and discuss the glycemic index. Every food is designated a certain rating on a scale called the Glycemic Index (GI). This number (scale 0-100) correlates to the propensity a food has to raise your blood sugar. The faster and higher your blood sugar (glucose level) rises, [...]