Charlotte Veggie


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Breakfast Cookies from Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

Breakfast Cookies from Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

Happy Saturday morning! I woke up to no milk, bread, cereal, bars, or yogurt BUT I did have these: I didn’t want to make something as heavy or time consuming as banana bread so I flipped through one of my favorite quick-recipe books. Bread & Wine: a love letter around the table with recipes by Shauna Niequist [...]

Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

As you may have read in my Get Well Sooner post last week, we had the go-round with colds last week. When the kids are sick, I try to balance what I want to get into them nutritionally with their diminished appetite as well as special requests. Because everyone deserves to be spoiled when under the [...]

ABC Mango Vanilla Smoothie Pops

ABC Mango Vanilla Smoothie Pops

Your kids (and you!) can cool off with this frozen treat without a sugar crash and while getting oodles of good-for-you fruit, fiber, and vitamins in these Apple Berry Cinnamon Mango Vanilla Pops.   These *silicone pop making sleeves are much easier to pour your liquid into and unlike a popsicle, less drips and clean up. *(I originally [...]