Charlotte Veggie


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Breakfast Cookies from Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

Breakfast Cookies from Bread & Wine by Shauna Niequist

Happy Saturday morning! I woke up to no milk, bread, cereal, bars, or yogurt BUT I did have these: I didn’t want to make something as heavy or time consuming as banana bread so I flipped through one of my favorite quick-recipe books. Bread & Wine: a love letter around the table with recipes by Shauna Niequist [...]

Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Hey hey it’s Fri-yay! I thought I would do a more social post to get you into weekend mode! Last night was a wonderful evening and just adds to why I love my town. Full of good ideas, new developments, and most of all, positive, hope-filled energy, Charlotte is always buzzing with charitable opportunities and [...]

Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Comfort After Chaos: Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Oregano Olio

Well hello there everyone and happy spring! I know I am returning after a long hiatus. Thank you for continuing to visit the site and to those of you who regularly reached out to ask when the next post will be! I’m not gonna lie; the last couple of months have been a tough road [...]