Charlotte Veggie


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Potato Pinto Pepper Burritos With Choco-Cinnamon Chili

Potato Pinto Pepper Burritos With Choco-Cinnamon Chili

Given Mexican food is my favorite cuisine (but do I really have to pick?), we eat a good deal of it around here. You name it: tacos, quesadillas, enchiladas, fajitas, bowls of rice and beans. On this night, we fancied burritos. But we like them smothered in a sauce. A really, really good sauce. This one [...]



Welcome to my blog! My vision is to make this a place where you can access recipes, product recommendations, restaurant reviews, and more from the standpoint of an avid cook, healthy but gourmet food advocate, mother, wife, healthcare professional, and vegetarian. I want to help you feel good through food and help cooking be less daunting [...]

Rajul’s Real Food for Real Life Rules

Rajul’s Real Food for Real Life Rules

Rajul’s Real Food for Real Life rules: Prepare as much of the food you eat as possible. Choose as much organic, nonGMO, whole grain, unprocessed food as possible. The fewer ingredients in any given food, the better. Clean eating means a cleaner gut, easier digestion, less inflammation, decreased hormonal imbalances, and better immune system. As with any [...]