Charlotte Veggie


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Truffle Mashed Cauliflower

Truffle Mashed Cauliflower

Mashed cauliflower and the thinner form, cauliflower puree, are on restaurant menus everywhere. In addition to being known for its anticancer properties, this cruciferous vegetable is less fibrous than broccoli and has a more mellow flavor. Cauliflower absorbs seasonings well and takes on the profile of whatever it is cooked in or with. It’s truly [...]

Coconut Oil: Cookery & Cosmetology

Coconut Oil: Cookery & Cosmetology

Coconut oil has been popular for several years now but there are still those that are reluctant to buy, eat, or use it. It seems that weekly, I receive messages asking, “I got my coconut oil today, now what?” Hence this post! I admit it. I have fallen for it all the way. It is how [...]

White Bean Pesto Hummus

White Bean Pesto Hummus

We have some rainy day blues going on here with a pretty empty fridge and pantry as well as a dead car battery. That’s no bueno when you’re feeling snacky! Thankfully, I had a carton of beans and still tons of basil in my summer garden. You can use this recipe as a rough guide. [...]