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Blueberry Mango Smoothie
July 7, 2015I almost always make my smoothie for the next day the night prior. That way it is ready to go and I have no excuses. I have no idea why I have that motivation at the end of the day instead of at the start of the next! One way I like to leave a [...]
Fresh Falafel With Tahini Sauce
July 21, 2015So many reasons to love and use chickpeas (garbanzo beans). They have a mild nutty flavor that compliments salads, are easy to mash with a buttery texture middle, contain load of nutrients including protein, fiber, vitamins, and are featured in dishes around the world. They contribute to supporting digestive and colon health and many people [...]
Soy Delish Stir Fry Veggie Rice Bowls (GMOs & Food, Inc. too!)
July 24, 2015Our family loves eating Asian food but we minimize dining out in general due to cost, ingredients, high sodium and sugar content. Our favorites, Chinese and Thai restaurants, often use genetically modified soy which has been treated with the Round Up. The movie Food, Inc. (please see this preview) is a mind blowing documentary about the U.S. food industry [...]