Charlotte Veggie


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Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Just to vent and let you all know I’m human, this was my day and the tortilla soup was still doable!   6:30am-8:20am Get up, get ready, kids’ and my breakfast, packed up lunches & water bottles, put 1 child on the school bus (other felt sick) 9am-9:30am Drive second child who was feeling better [...]

Apple Pie Oats With Maple Walnuts

Apple Pie Oats With Maple Walnuts

The key to a good, palatable bowl of oatmeal is retaining some of the original oat texture and preventing the transformation to mush. I use rolled oats (not quick oats) because I can better control that processĀ and they still cook really fast. You can certainly make this recipe with quick oats or steel cut oats [...]

Where I Get Moving!

Where I Get Moving!

This post focuses on where I live but I hope that it will entice you to find similar activities local to you! Charlotte offers a plethora of ways to get active at any fitness level no matter your time or financial constraints, individually, in groups, with or without children. There are lush, shaded greenways, paved [...]