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Lunch In Boston At Saus

Lunch In Boston At Saus

Hello from Boston! I love this town rich in history and monumental in the American Revolution. I like that it has the culture of larger cities like New York and Philadelphia but is more the size of my town, Charlotte! The people here are so friendly and helpful. Both times I’ve been here now, the [...]

Roasted Maple Rosemary Carrot Fries

Roasted Maple Rosemary Carrot Fries

It is common opinion that fries are extraordinary. Made around the world, containing few ingredients, and dressed up gourmet or just salted, ranging in budget, suitable to all diets, this universally friendly easy to eat food is everything you could ever want. Every fall, I can’t resist buying “The Organic Carrots Of Many Colors” at Trader Joe’s. Compared [...]

Reseting Post-Thanksgiving: Mason Jar Salads & Come Meet Me!

Reseting Post-Thanksgiving: Mason Jar Salads & Come Meet Me!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! What made ours even warmer was the gorgeous weather in Charlotte. It felt like spring time! This was a very special Thanksgiving because my parents and sister and her family all relocated to Charlotte earlier this year. We had a great potluck spread and my sister hosted. [...]

Charlotte Veggie