Charlotte Veggie


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Christmas Cookies Galore: Ginger Snaps, Sugar Cookies, & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Christmas Cookies Galore: Ginger Snaps, Sugar Cookies, & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Merry Christmas! We have been baking all morning for Santa, friends, family, and neighbors! We choose ginger snaps, sugar cookies, and chocolate chip cookies. This is my favorite book to refer to when I want to make cookies. You can check it out here. There are so many different types of cookies, bars, squares, and biscotti whether [...]

Blogging, Priorities, & T.V. Dreams

Blogging, Priorities, & T.V. Dreams

I feel like (and maybe you do too) that I haven’t posted a recipe in a while. On a new blog, a few days of not posting seems like a long time and not very smart from a developing readership standpoint. I started this site out of my love for cooking and eating and my advocacy [...]

Slow Cooker: Smoky “Meaty” African Peanut Stew

Slow Cooker: Smoky “Meaty” African Peanut Stew

I had a West African Peanut Stew at a natural foods grocery store in Denver, CO a few years ago and it was so good. I think I forgot about it because I didn’t think I would ever find it again and recreating it didn’t even occur to me. One of the best parts of [...]