Charlotte Veggie


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Soy Delish Stir Fry Veggie Rice Bowls (GMOs & Food, Inc. too!)

Soy Delish Stir Fry Veggie Rice Bowls (GMOs & Food, Inc. too!)

Our family loves eating Asian food but we minimize dining out in general due to cost, ingredients, high sodium and sugar content. Our favorites, Chinese and Thai restaurants, often use genetically modified soy which has been treated with the Round Up. The movie Food, Inc. (please see this preview) is a mind blowing documentary about the U.S. food industry [...]

Time Saving Restorative Slow Cooker Black Bean Chili

Time Saving Restorative Slow Cooker Black Bean Chili

We had a gorgeous 75 degrees sunny, Carolina blue sky day in Charlotte today. That alone begged me to get outside rather than spending time in my favorite place, the kitchen, But the reality is that it is December and a time of year during which more people than ever are sick, overwhelmingly busy, and [...]

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

With private schools starting back up next week in Charlotte and public schools the week after, I’m starting to think of what I can pack for my children’s lunches! Thankfully, I took a few pictures of last year’s combinations to give me some ideas for when I’m feeling stumped. They are indeed all vegetarian but [...]