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Christmas Cookies Galore: Ginger Snaps, Sugar Cookies, & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Christmas Cookies Galore: Ginger Snaps, Sugar Cookies, & Chocolate Chip Cookies

Merry Christmas! We have been baking all morning for Santa, friends, family, and neighbors! We choose ginger snaps, sugar cookies, and chocolate chip cookies. This is my favorite book to refer to when I want to make cookies. You can check it out here. There are so many different types of cookies, bars, squares, and biscotti whether [...]

Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

Brunch At Fern, Flavors From The Garden

This month marks 10 years since I moved to Charlotte. I love it here more and more with each passing year. I am always exploring what is new, continuing my patronage at my favorite places, and really, expansion of all kinds has taken place over the last decade. I try not to think of the [...]

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Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Hey hey it’s Fri-yay! I thought I would do a more social post to get you into weekend mode! Last night was a wonderful evening and just adds to why I love my town. Full of good ideas, new developments, and most of all, positive, hope-filled energy, Charlotte is always buzzing with charitable opportunities and [...]

Charlotte Veggie