Charlotte Veggie


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Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

With private schools starting back up next week in Charlotte and public schools the week after, I’m starting to think of what I can pack for my children’s lunches! Thankfully, I took a few pictures of last year’s combinations to give me some ideas for when I’m feeling stumped. They are indeed all vegetarian but [...]

Blogging, Priorities, & T.V. Dreams

Blogging, Priorities, & T.V. Dreams

I feel like (and maybe you do too) that I haven’t posted a recipe in a while. On a new blog, a few days of not posting seems like a long time and not very smart from a developing readership standpoint. I started this site out of my love for cooking and eating and my advocacy [...]

Urgent Tomato Soup

Urgent Tomato Soup

Winter hit Charlotte these last couple of days with snow and ice. We just don’t have the equipment and means here to carry on so of course the town pretty much shut down. Tomato soup was in order after playing outside with the kids and feeling absolutely frozen! I created this recipe a year ago [...]