Charlotte Veggie

Replenishing Apricot Green Smoothie

I find joy in the abundance of fruits which are in season this time of year. I love all of the stone fruits but I am not as familiar with fresh apricots. They caught my daughter’s eye at the grocery store and into the cart they went. I like how the apricots ripened much faster than peaches and nectarines but I did not find my bunch to be as sweet, tangy, or juicy. Hence into a smoothie they went!



I enjoyed the convenience of this smoothie in that it did not require cutting any fruit or even retrieving it from the freezer. I was able to easily pit the apricots by tearing them open and removing the “floating” seed (it doesn’t adhere to the flesh of the fruit). I liked the smoothie at room temperature but you could always refrigerate it or add some ice to your blender if you prefer a cold one. The coconut water provides a nice dose of electrolytes before or after a sweat session! Because I also used regular water, the coconut taste is not strong. If you love coconut flavor, you could also add more of the coconut water or even shredded coconut for texture.



Replenishing Apricot Green Smoothie

Charlotte Veggie Original


Makes two 12 oz. servings.


Blend the following:

2 cups baby kale

1 banana

3-4 apricots, remove pit

2 tbsp almond butter

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 cup coconut water

1 cup water

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