Charlotte Veggie


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Elephant Walk

Elephant Walk

We took a long weekend trip to Boston in October 2013 and had some delicious food! Elephant Walk offers French and Cambodian food which reflects the founders’ cultural backgrounds. It is best stated on their website: “The Elephant Walk has something for everyone, offering a bi-cultural menu with a broad range of vegan, vegetarian and gluten-free options. [...]

Pumpkin Ravioli~Mushroom Sage Cream

Pumpkin Ravioli~Mushroom Sage Cream

Tender pockets full of melt-in-your-mouth sweet, smoky, soft pumpkin coated with an aromatic cream. Every now and then, I create a recipe that even leaves me pleasantly surprised. With sheer determination and thought and no experience or research, this very autumn ravioli and decadent sauce turned out so well. It is certifiably a gourmet meal and [...]

Unmasking How We Do Halloween

Unmasking How We Do Halloween

I thought long and hard about bringing you some fun, healthy Halloween sweet treat recipes, but I didn’t see how that would contribute to the cause towards less sugar consumption. If you peruse the internet or Pinterest, you will see all sorts of snacks like baby carrots made to look like fingers, ghost faces drawn [...]