Charlotte Veggie


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Blueberry Mango Smoothie

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

I almost always make my smoothie for the next day the night prior. That way it is ready to go and I have no excuses. I have no idea why I have that motivation at the end of the day instead of at the start of the next! One way I like to leave a [...]

Mending Miso Noodle Soup

Mending Miso Noodle Soup

My kids’ favorite go-to food when they are sick is those Asian instant rice noodle bowls with the little packet of oil and extra salty seasoning. I decided a while back to concoct my own more healing version and we all gobbled it up. Using ginger, garlic, and miso, produces a broth that is soothing [...]

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

Back To School: Lunch Box Ideas

With private schools starting back up next week in Charlotte and public schools the week after, I’m starting to think of what I can pack for my children’s lunches! Thankfully, I took a few pictures of last year’s combinations to give me some ideas for when I’m feeling stumped. They are indeed all vegetarian but [...]