Charlotte Veggie


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Autumn Potluck: Hearty Harvest Butternut Lasagna

Autumn Potluck: Hearty Harvest Butternut Lasagna

Who doesn’t enjoy a big soft, melty, belly warming, square of lasagna? We don’t have it often but I was invited to a lasagna potluck at work. I was assigned to come up with a fall themed, vegetarian version. And boy was this compilation a crowd pleaser! As I mentioned in my butternut bruschetta post, I [...]

Back To School: The Best “Buttery” Popcorn Ever For Snack Time

Back To School: The Best “Buttery” Popcorn Ever For Snack Time

Arguably, no other food has a pull as strong as fresh popcorn. How many times in my life have I proclaimed to be full only for the aroma of an office mate’s microwave popcorn to make my mouth water and stomach rumble. I don’t even want to know how much I have spent on overpriced movie [...]

Spaghetti Squash Peperonata & Pearled Couscous Vegetable Pilaf

Spaghetti Squash Peperonata & Pearled Couscous Vegetable Pilaf

We all enjoyed both dishes but initially I made the spaghetti squash for the adults and the couscous for the kids. Although the recipes are very simple, they turned out unique and delicious. We ate up the rest of the stew too and it complemented both! First, I want to talk about spaghetti squash. Spaghetti squash can [...]