Charlotte Veggie


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Inside Out: What I Use For Skin & Hair Health + Homemade Deodorant

Inside Out: What I Use For Skin & Hair Health + Homemade Deodorant

Welcome to a post about some of my favorite, most used, natural, and affordable skin products. The skin is our largest organ and can truly reflect what is going on beneath. Here is a photo of me with no makeup and no filter. I share this to show that I’m a real person. I realized [...]

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Caprese Salad: Counting My Basil, Not My Tomatoes

Having a garden has always been an exciting thought to me but the act of gardening has always appeared a puzzling chore to me. I mean, why is it so complex? If you bury a seed in the ground, why shouldn’t it sprout and then progress onward to a fruit or vegetable? How can something older than time, [...]

Roasted Vegetables 101

Roasted Vegetables 101

Roasted vegetables have become a staple in our household and swayed my children as well as myself to eat certain previous untouchables. Suddenly, thinly sliced eggplant makes for delicious, smoky chips and cauliflower tastes like popcorn. Broccoli is addictive and onions are less pungent. The natural moisture that evaporates in the oven brings out a sweeter, [...]