Charlotte Veggie


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Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

What started out as an interest in eating :) and led to my love of cooking was then followed by my weight loss journey. Through books like The China Study, documentaries like Food, Inc. and Forks Over Knives, attending seminars, and following investigators like The Food Babe as well as physicians like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Weil as well as other [...]

Slow Cooker: Autumn Black Lentil Masala Soup

Slow Cooker: Autumn Black Lentil Masala Soup

The start of fall, officially today, commences the start of soup season for me! Savor this fix it and forget it slow cooker meal after a long day. It is plenty hearty on its own but don’t let me stop you from serving it with some crusty bread or over rice, couscous, or quinoa. French lentils, red [...]

Wake Up & Workout Smoothie

Wake Up & Workout Smoothie

I’m aiming to quit regular coffee consumption. Again. There are a few reasons for this: It really doesn’t pep me up. More than anything, a hot drink in the morning is comforting. I like the taste of coffee very much but I like the warm cup even more. I feel wasteful. I rarely get through a cup. [...]