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Pre-Thanksgiving: Cran-apple Cinnamon Smoothie
November 20, 2015Although cranberries come to mind in the fall, I appreciate using the frozen and dried form year round. As well as known benefits for the urinary system, cranberries tout antioxidants and I appreciate the tarter profile as well as low glycemic index. Even natural sugars can cause glucose overload and make smoothies high calorie as [...]
Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice
September 10, 2015What started out as an interest in eating :) and led to my love of cooking was then followed by my weight loss journey. Through books like The China Study, documentaries like Food, Inc. and Forks Over Knives, attending seminars, and following investigators like The Food Babe as well as physicians like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Weil as well as other [...]
Clean Party Eats: Spiralized Sesame Slaw Salad & Truffle Sweet Potatoes
January 4, 2016Happy new year! Who said the partying can’t continue with your resolutions? Check out how I entertained with tofu caprese, chickpea salad in endive boats, spiralized sesame slaw salad, cheese and crackers, polenta cakes, and roasted truffle white sweet potatoes. I’m starting my 2016 off with reseting back to more planned and cleaner eating again. There is [...]