Charlotte Veggie


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Lunch In Boston At Saus

Lunch In Boston At Saus

Hello from Boston! I love this town rich in history and monumental in the American Revolution. I like that it has the culture of larger cities like New York and Philadelphia but is more the size of my town, Charlotte! The people here are so friendly and helpful. Both times I’ve been here now, the [...]

Superfoods Smoothie

Superfoods Smoothie

I created this smoothie a day after I returned from travel and desperately needed to reinstate some health. It is clean and mild without any one strong flavor. Included are some of my favorite things that I consider to be superfoods. Greens: mix of baby kale, baby spinach, and baby swiss chard (folate, iron, calcium, vitamins) [...]

Stacked Roasted Sweet Potato Enchilada Pie

Stacked Roasted Sweet Potato Enchilada Pie

Oh enchilada pie, where have you been all my life? Actually I attempted stacked enchiladas once but because I used a large 9×12 dish so everything was too spread out with only one layer of filling. A thicker, layered pie is essential. Two things we loved most: 1. I did NOT miss rolling up each individual [...]