Charlotte Veggie


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Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

What started out as an interest in eating :) and led to my love of cooking was then followed by my weight loss journey. Through books like The China Study, documentaries like Food, Inc. and Forks Over Knives, attending seminars, and following investigators like The Food Babe as well as physicians like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Weil as well as other [...]

Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Simple One Spice Tortilla Soup

Just to vent and let you all know I’m human, this was my day and the tortilla soup was still doable!   6:30am-8:20am Get up, get ready, kids’ and my breakfast, packed up lunches & water bottles, put 1 child on the school bus (other felt sick) 9am-9:30am Drive second child who was feeling better [...]

Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

Shortcut Asian Vegetable Basil Lo Mein

As you may have read in my Get Well Sooner post last week, we had the go-round with colds last week. When the kids are sick, I try to balance what I want to get into them nutritionally with their diminished appetite as well as special requests. Because everyone deserves to be spoiled when under the [...]