Charlotte Veggie


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Mending Miso Noodle Soup

Mending Miso Noodle Soup

My kids’ favorite go-to food when they are sick is those Asian instant rice noodle bowls with the little packet of oil and extra salty seasoning. I decided a while back to concoct my own more healing version and we all gobbled it up. Using ginger, garlic, and miso, produces a broth that is soothing [...]

Healthy Gourmet Super Bowl Eats For Various Diets

Healthy Gourmet Super Bowl Eats For Various Diets

We are all geared up here in Charlotte to cheer on the Carolina Panthers in the Super Bowl tomorrow! I thought I would compile a list of Charlotte Veggie recipes that are quick, gourmet, and game friendly to make your party menu plan easier:   Asparagus Fries and Smoky Red Pepper Hummus White Bean Pesto [...]

Red & Green: Panko Crusted Asparagus Fries & Smoky Red Pepper Hummus

Red & Green: Panko Crusted Asparagus Fries & Smoky Red Pepper Hummus

All that shopping and wrapping and just being home more has me in mega snack mode. These two zesty recipes take less than thirty minutes to prepare together! Crispy coated asparagus fries and tangy, creamy buffalo-esque hummus hit the snacking sweet spot while avoiding the need to nap afterwards. I bought asparagus just to saute [...]