Charlotte Veggie


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Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

Warm Moroccan Style Quinoa With Raw Zucchini Ribbon Salad

We are loving the fall weather but sometimes it is hard to decide what to eat when temps have been wavering between 40s and 80s! I wanted something soft, spiced, and warming but also cold and crisp. That is how this dinner was born. While my quinoa cooked, I chopped up some vegetables and essentially made a curry. [...]

Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Weekend Vibes: Local Love & Ramen

Hey hey it’s Fri-yay! I thought I would do a more social post to get you into weekend mode! Last night was a wonderful evening and just adds to why I love my town. Full of good ideas, new developments, and most of all, positive, hope-filled energy, Charlotte is always buzzing with charitable opportunities and [...]

Time Saving Restorative Slow Cooker Black Bean Chili

Time Saving Restorative Slow Cooker Black Bean Chili

We had a gorgeous 75 degrees sunny, Carolina blue sky day in Charlotte today. That alone begged me to get outside rather than spending time in my favorite place, the kitchen, But the reality is that it is December and a time of year during which more people than ever are sick, overwhelmingly busy, and [...]