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Pumpkin Spiced Cupcakes With Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting

Pumpkin Spiced Cupcakes With Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting

If you’ve been to Trader Joe’s lately, you have seen that they are all about everything pumpkin under the sun! Incorporating the aboveĀ 3 ingredients, I made the most amazing pumpkinlicious treat. Modifying a recipe I found, I created these moist, fluffy, decadent, but healthier homemade cupcakes. I omitted the chocolate chips, cut the sugar in [...]

Pecan Pumpkin Honey Oat Squares

Pecan Pumpkin Honey Oat Squares

Happy Halloween since it’s technically after midnight! I hope everyone has fun plans lined up today and if you don’t celebrate, may you have a wonderful Saturday. I was recipe testing earlier tonight and wanted to have the kids wake up to a healthy but still a treat on Halloween morning. See this post for [...]

Ramen Zoodles In Mushroom Broth (+ Harvested Coriander Seeds)

Ramen Zoodles In Mushroom Broth (+ Harvested Coriander Seeds)

Who doesn’t like ramen? The broth is everything. Ok, maybe the noodles too but for a healthier take, zoodles do the trick. A while back, I attempted to make an Asian noodle soup with spiralized zucchini and tofu (pictured below) but it was missing something. Perhaps the mushroom and other vegetables or I didn’t allow [...]

Charlotte Veggie