Charlotte Veggie


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Luna’s Living Kitchen

Luna’s Living Kitchen

This all organic, all vegan, mostly raw food(the house made veggie burger is cooked), mostly gluten free(they do offer Ezekiel sprouted bread), soy free, nut free, only naturally sweetened full service restaurant and juicery is bright and fresh from its creative food to its atmosphere. I consider it a big gem! Talk about a place [...]

Unmasking How We Do Halloween

Unmasking How We Do Halloween

I thought long and hard about bringing you some fun, healthy Halloween sweet treat recipes, but I didn’t see how that would contribute to the cause towards less sugar consumption. If you peruse the internet or Pinterest, you will see all sorts of snacks like baby carrots made to look like fingers, ghost faces drawn [...]

Stuffed Avocados With Chili Cashew Cream Inspired By Viva Chicken

Stuffed Avocados With Chili Cashew Cream Inspired By Viva Chicken

I bet you never expected to see the word chicken on this blog! And yes I cringe :). Viva Chicken Peruvian Rotisserie Joint is likely no place this vegetarian would have visited if it wasn’t for another vegetarian’s recommendation. I was pleasantly surprised at the options available for my dietary preference as well as the environmentally sound [...]