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Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Happy Thanksgiving & Fall Recipe Reminders :)

Wishing everyone a safe & happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for this space which all of you make possible. Thank you so much for taking interest in what I do, the support, feedback, & questions. I will see you all on here in a few days as I spend time being mindful and putting [...]

Apple Pie Oats With Maple Walnuts

Apple Pie Oats With Maple Walnuts

The key to a good, palatable bowl of oatmeal is retaining some of the original oat texture and preventing the transformation to mush. I use rolled oats (not quick oats) because I can better control that process and they still cook really fast. You can certainly make this recipe with quick oats or steel cut oats [...]

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Celebrating USA: Spinach Basil Dip & Couscous Salad

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Charlotte Veggie