Charlotte Veggie


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Herbed Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Herbed Cauliflower Crust Pizza

It’s always a special blessing when you become good friends with someone in your own family. One of my husband’s cousins is married to an awesome woman who I am so glad to have as a friend. We relate on so many things, food of course included! We trade and recommend recipes and whenever she tries [...]

Soy Delish Stir Fry Veggie Rice Bowls (GMOs & Food, Inc. too!)

Soy Delish Stir Fry Veggie Rice Bowls (GMOs & Food, Inc. too!)

Our family loves eating Asian food but we minimize dining out in general due to cost, ingredients, high sodium and sugar content. Our favorites, Chinese and Thai restaurants, often use genetically modified soy which has been treated with the Round Up. The movie Food, Inc. (please see this preview) is a mind blowing documentary about the U.S. food industry [...]

Autumn Potluck: Hearty Harvest Butternut Lasagna

Autumn Potluck: Hearty Harvest Butternut Lasagna

Who doesn’t enjoy a big soft, melty, belly warming, square of lasagna? We don’t have it often but I was invited to a lasagna potluck at work. I was assigned to come up with a fall themed, vegetarian version. And boy was this compilation a crowd pleaser! As I mentioned in my butternut bruschetta post, I [...]