Charlotte Veggie


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Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Low Labor Healthy Chocolate Cake For Every Occasion

Happy Labor Day! No matter your role, profession, daily tasks, or accomplishments, today is a day that your diligence deserves reward! I have used this chocolate cake recipe many times but I really fell in love with it the last time. I had a couple of cousins in town unexpectedly one night after dinner and nothing [...]

Cleansing Smoothie

Cleansing Smoothie

Given it is a holiday weekend, I thought I would provide you with a quick smoothie idea which can healthily curb your appetite while providing oodles of nutrients and some hydration before you partake in celebrating the 4th of July OR so you can start your morning off with it. Basically, this smoothie can either [...]

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

Blueberry Mango Smoothie

I almost always make my smoothie for the next day the night prior. That way it is ready to go and I have no excuses. I have no idea why I have that motivation at the end of the day instead of at the start of the next! One way I like to leave a [...]