Charlotte Veggie

Orange Berry Vanilla Green Smoothie


Here’s a super duper quick post. Whenever I make a smoothie that turns out exceptionally yummy, I have to share it with you. Normally I just toss this and that in trying to incorporate greens, 1-2 fruits, protein, and fiber. The below combination turned out perfect for a morning smoothie with its bright citrus influence. It was light but still great fuel for my workout. Cheers!

Orange Berry Vanilla Green Smoothie

Charlotte Veggie


Make 2 glasses full


Blend the following:

2 cups super greens or greens of choice

1 peeled orange

1/2 cup frozen raspberries

1 scoop vanilla Juice Plus Complete powder OR 1 scoop other vanilla protein powder + 1 tsp honey OR 3 tbsp hemp seeds + 1/4 tsp vanilla extract + 1 tsp honey or sweetener of choice

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1.5 cups unsweetened or sweetened vanilla almond milk


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  • Katie December 18, 2015, 7:48 am

    Sounds delicious! Can’t wait to try it.

    • Rajul December 18, 2015, 3:33 pm

      Thanks Katie!

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