Charlotte Veggie


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Natural Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes

Natural Fresh Strawberry Cupcakes

Oh strawberries. Juicy. Sweet. Plump. Beautifully red. Naturally heart shaped. Fun fact: I also recently learned that North Carolina is the #3 for harvesting the most strawberries in the United States. Personal fact: As much as I enjoy chocolate, I will always pick strawberry shortcake over a brownie sundae! These cupcakes do require some love [...]

Baked Potato Night Done Right

Baked Potato Night Done Right

O is for October and all things orange as far as I’m concerned! The beautiful leaves changing, pumpkins, carrots, sweet potatoes…mmmm. Can you believe how many years I spent microwave “baking” my russets and sweets whenever we had baked potato night? Until a few weeks ago, when my sister served baked-in-the-oven potatoes with the skins [...]

Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

Get Well Sooner Tips + Garlicky Kale, Herbed Veggies, & Spiced Rice

What started out as an interest in eating :) and led to my love of cooking was then followed by my weight loss journey. Through books like The China Study, documentaries like Food, Inc. and Forks Over Knives, attending seminars, and following investigators like The Food Babe as well as physicians like Dr. Mercola and Dr. Weil as well as other [...]